It’s time to thrive! Here you can book your appointment(s) 24/7 in less than 5 minutes. Please select your preferred location, service, provider and appointment time. That’s it!

You also have the option to speak to one of our patient care specialists by calling us at 1-902-404-3668 for any of the following:

  • You are looking for a last-minute appointment

  • You cannot find a day and time that work for you

  • You do not see your desired practitioner or service (some services are not able to be booked online)

  • you are unsure which service or practitioner to book with ( all our practitioners are pleased to offer complimentary phone consultations)

  • You have questions prior to booking your appointment

  • You would like our patient care specialist to help booking your appointment.

Thank you for choosing Choice Health Centre. We look forward to collaborating with you to reach your goals!